Dock Diving Pics
Here are a few photos from Bo's Big Adventure a few weekends ago at West Point Lake in LaGrange. While he didn't jump off the dock, he did love being around all the other dogs and even swam from the shore!

Dock Diving 101 Class
Chris and I took Bo to a dock diving class... Bo has all of the main ingredients: likes to swim, loves to run and jump, loves to retrieve. All of these added together means Dock Diving Dog, right?? WRONG! After a few attempts to get him to jump, Bo and I walked back to the shore and had to send Molly, the professional black lab, to retrieve Bo's tennis ball still floating beyond the dock.
All in all, Bo did enjoy swimming out to the geese and loved the other dogs! He behaved just as a one year Weimy should- sniffing everything and saying hello to everybody!

All in all, Bo did enjoy swimming out to the geese and loved the other dogs! He behaved just as a one year Weimy should- sniffing everything and saying hello to everybody!


Bo is almost ONE! I cannot believe it's been almost a full year since Gracie gave birth to 7 little weimy pups! Bo has turned into a sweet, loving, rambunctious teenager! We lost count after he'd eaten 9 tv remotes, 12 pillows, countless shoes, jackets, shirts, magazines... we just chalk it up to "he's still teething!" Haha! We love him still the same and hope all his brothers and sisters are doing great! I am taking Bo to celebrate his birthday to a Dog Dock Diving 101 class at West Point Lake this weekend. His concentration and serious love for retrieving and swimming makes me think he could be a Dock Diving Dog on ESPN! We're going to give it a try...

Well, when Cliff (my brother-in-law) moved in with us in December for awhile, he brought with him a cat, Reese, and a pit bull/boxer mix, Casey. While it took some getting used to, we love them both... the dogs looooove to "play" with Reese. It took quite some time getting to that point as they have ingrained in their nature to track and eat small animals! They immediately loved Casey- the sweetest little pup ever! She is so loving and obedient. She puts my two to SHAME!! This is a typical night in the Cartledge house- nice couches covered with old sheets and 3 pups hogging their spots!
Crazy Life!!
It has been several months since my last post and A LOT has changed!! Bo (and his 6 brothers and sisters) are nearing the 9 month mark on January 4th. Bo weighs around 70 pounds and is a good 5 inches taller than his mama! We kept telling her to stop beating up on him because one day, he'd be bigger than she was and could whoop her! (I seem to recall my parents telling me that with my little brother, too! Now I get it!)

We often come home to this scene... a pillow thrown all around and eventually is destroyed! Just last night we came home to a destroyed TV remote... luckily, the channel is stuck on Bravo!
Bo is really one of the sweetest pups and is always ready to snuggle and touch his face to yours. His favorite thing is to jump in the bed with Chris early in the morning and "waller" on him... when he was 15 pounds, no big deal! Now that he's 70 pounds, it's a bit of a rude awakening!!

While sometimes a little irritating, Bo's little face makes up for it!

This is their favorite place to lay together... smooshed on the couch and legs up in the air! Chris and I often get kicked off the couch because, as you can see, there is little room left! Bo is on the right.

We get reports every now and then from the other pups and they are doing great! Gracie recently was spayed, so no more pups for us... but we are so happy we did it and Bo is proving to be a great addition to the family!

We often come home to this scene... a pillow thrown all around and eventually is destroyed! Just last night we came home to a destroyed TV remote... luckily, the channel is stuck on Bravo!
Bo is really one of the sweetest pups and is always ready to snuggle and touch his face to yours. His favorite thing is to jump in the bed with Chris early in the morning and "waller" on him... when he was 15 pounds, no big deal! Now that he's 70 pounds, it's a bit of a rude awakening!!

While sometimes a little irritating, Bo's little face makes up for it!

This is their favorite place to lay together... smooshed on the couch and legs up in the air! Chris and I often get kicked off the couch because, as you can see, there is little room left! Bo is on the right.

We get reports every now and then from the other pups and they are doing great! Gracie recently was spayed, so no more pups for us... but we are so happy we did it and Bo is proving to be a great addition to the family!
Little Bo is growing up! We went on vacation with my Dad's side of the family to North Carolina and took Gracie, Bo and Bo's sister, Missy. My cousin and his girlfriend bought Missy and they loved each other!!! We had a blast with them! We didn't know if Missy would remember her Mama, but sure enough- when they were reunited, Missy went right for the belly to get some milk! Gracie wasn't having it... they swam, run next to our bikes, hiked- anything we went and did, they followed!

A Bittersweet Weekend!
Well guys, for those of you who faithfully read this, I want to thank you! You have no idea how many people have stopped me in the grocery store, on work calls, at church- all over town- to talk about the sweet pups! I had no idea the blog would take off like this, so I may have to continue with our new little one occasionally! Thank you to my family for helping so much!! Babysitting, corralling, transporting, etc... couldn't have done it without your help!
Friday afternoon, my mom, my brother and I took 7 puppies to the Vet for their 8-week old shots. That was an experience in itself! The biggest baby was the big boy of the group- Little Maisey didn't even whimper! So Friday, 7, Saturday afternoon, we had 1 lone pup! As we walked each new family and pup to the door and down the driveway, a little piece of us went, too. While that may sound super cheesy, you try spending 2 months preparing for these little guys to arrive, 8 hours of labor with Mama, then to top it all off, 8 weeks of TLC and try not getting attached! Special thanks to the staff of Crescent Vet Hospital in Summergrove for putting up with all of us this whole time- they've been through the ringer with Gracie (from rat poison, stomache pumping, hit by truck, pregnancy x-rays!) and now I bring them 7 more!!!
All of the puppies went to FABULOUS homes and we have already been getting great reports and updates. A couple of the names are Missy, Atlas & Maisey (of course!). There were 2 families that saw our AJC ad and called the same day to pick them up. Other than that, we knew everyone that was getting a pup.
We couldn't be more happy with their new owners and if you're reading this- THANK YOU AND TAKE CARE OF THOSE SWEET BABIES! We really put our lives on hold and our house was turned upside down (literally, our dining room table has been upside down in our den for 8 weeks!), but the end result has been so worth it and a great experience that Chris and I will never forget. Won't forget the good times and we surely won't forget the trying times!! i.e. 4 am on a worknight -Chris and I in our PJ's trying to corral the stray pups in the damp backyard, in the dark, probably yelling at each other, who knows!... Those times will not be missed!
With all of this said, we decided to keep a little boy (no name yet!)- he is too cute! We are giving him a 2-week trial period to see how things work out. Gracie came to us at 12-weeks and fully potty-trained, so we were totally spoiled! We had to turn down 5 people that called on Sunday for the pups, so we have some numbers stored if it gets too much with both of them in our small home.
For now, the two are loving having each other and Gracie could not be more of a puppy herself! They are really loving towards each other and besides the occasional puppy yelp due to Mamadog playing too rough, they are happy to be together. I'm trying to look to the future when he is a bit bigger and they can really start to be good friends to roughhouse and roll around.
Here are a couple of pics of them together, friends that visited over the weeks, Vet pics with the pups and my mom... so sweet! I'll try to keep the updates coming every now and then, but don't expect any kind of excitement like we had- 7 pups is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different than 1!!! Take Care- Alise :)

Friday afternoon, my mom, my brother and I took 7 puppies to the Vet for their 8-week old shots. That was an experience in itself! The biggest baby was the big boy of the group- Little Maisey didn't even whimper! So Friday, 7, Saturday afternoon, we had 1 lone pup! As we walked each new family and pup to the door and down the driveway, a little piece of us went, too. While that may sound super cheesy, you try spending 2 months preparing for these little guys to arrive, 8 hours of labor with Mama, then to top it all off, 8 weeks of TLC and try not getting attached! Special thanks to the staff of Crescent Vet Hospital in Summergrove for putting up with all of us this whole time- they've been through the ringer with Gracie (from rat poison, stomache pumping, hit by truck, pregnancy x-rays!) and now I bring them 7 more!!!
All of the puppies went to FABULOUS homes and we have already been getting great reports and updates. A couple of the names are Missy, Atlas & Maisey (of course!). There were 2 families that saw our AJC ad and called the same day to pick them up. Other than that, we knew everyone that was getting a pup.
We couldn't be more happy with their new owners and if you're reading this- THANK YOU AND TAKE CARE OF THOSE SWEET BABIES! We really put our lives on hold and our house was turned upside down (literally, our dining room table has been upside down in our den for 8 weeks!), but the end result has been so worth it and a great experience that Chris and I will never forget. Won't forget the good times and we surely won't forget the trying times!! i.e. 4 am on a worknight -Chris and I in our PJ's trying to corral the stray pups in the damp backyard, in the dark, probably yelling at each other, who knows!... Those times will not be missed!
With all of this said, we decided to keep a little boy (no name yet!)- he is too cute! We are giving him a 2-week trial period to see how things work out. Gracie came to us at 12-weeks and fully potty-trained, so we were totally spoiled! We had to turn down 5 people that called on Sunday for the pups, so we have some numbers stored if it gets too much with both of them in our small home.
For now, the two are loving having each other and Gracie could not be more of a puppy herself! They are really loving towards each other and besides the occasional puppy yelp due to Mamadog playing too rough, they are happy to be together. I'm trying to look to the future when he is a bit bigger and they can really start to be good friends to roughhouse and roll around.
Here are a couple of pics of them together, friends that visited over the weeks, Vet pics with the pups and my mom... so sweet! I'll try to keep the updates coming every now and then, but don't expect any kind of excitement like we had- 7 pups is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different than 1!!! Take Care- Alise :)


6 is a lot different than 7 for some reason! We are always counting "There's 4 and 3" and now it's "Ok, we've got 3 and 3." It seems a bit easier. According to the new owner, Keenan (Big Boy) slept in the bed with him all night long and is doing great with potty training already! I'm so glad to hear it... he's probably loving the 1 on 1 attention and is already getting spoiled!
First Pup Goes to His Home!
Boring Video, but shows how big they are getting!
The pups are growing so much! Most of them weigh over 10 pounds now! When they were born, they were all under one pound. This is just an update on how big they are!
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