Friday afternoon, my mom, my brother and I took 7 puppies to the Vet for their 8-week old shots. That was an experience in itself! The biggest baby was the big boy of the group- Little Maisey didn't even whimper! So Friday, 7, Saturday afternoon, we had 1 lone pup! As we walked each new family and pup to the door and down the driveway, a little piece of us went, too. While that may sound super cheesy, you try spending 2 months preparing for these little guys to arrive, 8 hours of labor with Mama, then to top it all off, 8 weeks of TLC and try not getting attached! Special thanks to the staff of Crescent Vet Hospital in Summergrove for putting up with all of us this whole time- they've been through the ringer with Gracie (from rat poison, stomache pumping, hit by truck, pregnancy x-rays!) and now I bring them 7 more!!!
All of the puppies went to FABULOUS homes and we have already been getting great reports and updates. A couple of the names are Missy, Atlas & Maisey (of course!). There were 2 families that saw our AJC ad and called the same day to pick them up. Other than that, we knew everyone that was getting a pup.
We couldn't be more happy with their new owners and if you're reading this- THANK YOU AND TAKE CARE OF THOSE SWEET BABIES! We really put our lives on hold and our house was turned upside down (literally, our dining room table has been upside down in our den for 8 weeks!), but the end result has been so worth it and a great experience that Chris and I will never forget. Won't forget the good times and we surely won't forget the trying times!! i.e. 4 am on a worknight -Chris and I in our PJ's trying to corral the stray pups in the damp backyard, in the dark, probably yelling at each other, who knows!... Those times will not be missed!
With all of this said, we decided to keep a little boy (no name yet!)- he is too cute! We are giving him a 2-week trial period to see how things work out. Gracie came to us at 12-weeks and fully potty-trained, so we were totally spoiled! We had to turn down 5 people that called on Sunday for the pups, so we have some numbers stored if it gets too much with both of them in our small home.
For now, the two are loving having each other and Gracie could not be more of a puppy herself! They are really loving towards each other and besides the occasional puppy yelp due to Mamadog playing too rough, they are happy to be together. I'm trying to look to the future when he is a bit bigger and they can really start to be good friends to roughhouse and roll around.
Here are a couple of pics of them together, friends that visited over the weeks, Vet pics with the pups and my mom... so sweet! I'll try to keep the updates coming every now and then, but don't expect any kind of excitement like we had- 7 pups is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different than 1!!! Take Care- Alise :)

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