
Lookin' Like a True Weim Should!

On Day 2 of their lives, I took the puppies to have their tails docked and their dew claws cut. The tails were docked originally back in the day so as not to get stuck in briars and brush while hunting... same for the dew claws (they are where our thumbs are)- they would snag and tear while running and hunting.

So, I piled them all in a box (see pic) and dropped them off to the Vet for an hour. Now they look like True Weimaraners! They have a small stitch in their tails and glue on their dew claws to prevent growth. Both will heal quickly.

I was concerned about them being in a lot of pain, etc. but the Vet said their memories are only 7 minutes long at this stage of their lives and they knew nothing of it when I picked them up! It is amazing how God's creatures are wired!!

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